display:none 과 visibility:hidden 의 차이

display:none 과 visibility:hidden 의 차이 Language/HTML 2010. 5. 19. 19:25 div 태그로 만든 Layer를 안보이게 하는 두가지 방법  1. display:none  <-> block     아예 사라지게 하는것. 보이지도 않고 해당 공간도 존재하지 않게 됨 2. visibility:hidden <-> visible     보이지만 않고 해당 공간은 존재. width와 height값을 주었다면 그만큼 공간은 존재하게 됨 3. display...
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OpenMRS 2

http://openmrs.org Customized and open source EMR system for clinical/research organizations. Includes central concept dictionary and patient repository.
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http://www.open-emr.org OpenEMR is an open source electronic health records and medical practice management solution with ONC certified international usage
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75Health is the Electronic Health Record software

http://www.75health.com 75Health is the Electronic Health Record software which is not just about being paperless. It is about inculcating a tradition of simulated and simplified working with intelligent systems that help doctors work efficiently and enhance patient care. Working on a cloud-based technology, it is cost-efficient, fast and...
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