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# This will convert $_POST into a query string <?php $query_string = “”; if ($_POST) { $kv = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $kv[] = “$key=$value“; } $query_string = join(“&”, $kv); } else { $query_string = $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’]; } echo $query_string; ?>
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May 19, 2015 techsupport
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원래 사이트 Odoo has more than 4,500 open source business apps.
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
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ngineering Group is adding new positions to its Big Data Competency Center and the SpagoBI Labs. Read more 원문보기
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
Blog, Tech
10+ Free Document Databases The term document database can be a little misleading, since most of these databases will store both structured and unstructured data. While many of these free document databases are open source and free to use, nearly all of them come with optional support, training...
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
Blog, Tech
원문보기 맞춤 URL 설정은 어떻게 하나요? 기본적으로 Works에서 제공하는 서비스별 진입 가능한 URL외에 원하는 URL을 등록하여 사용하실 수 있습니다. 해당 등록은 관리자 사이트> 기본환경 관리> 맞춤 URL 설정에서 가능하며, 맞춤 URL에서 Works가 제공하는 기본 URL이 default로 설정되어 있습니다. Default URL 밑의 체크 박스를 선택 한 후...
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
Blog, Tech
원문보기 5+ Free .NET Reporting Tools April 20, 2015 by mb The fyiReporting RDL Project is a powerful report and charting system based on Report Definition Language (RDL). Tabular, free form, matrix, charts are fully supported. Report output may be displayed as HTML, PDF, Excel, RTF, XML, .Net...
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
Blog, Tech
원문보기 You are here: Home / Lists / BI Lists / 10+ SQL Server Reporting Tools 10+ SQL Server Reporting Tools April 6, 2015 by mb Eclipse Birt BIRT (free BI suite) is an open source software project that provides the BIRT technology platform to create data visualizations...
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
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원문보기 You are here: Home / Lists / BI Lists / Free SQL Server Reporting Software Free SQL Server Reporting Software April 19, 2015 by mb Eclipse Birt BIRT (free BI suite) is an open source software project that provides the BIRT technology platform to create data visualizations...
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
Blog, Open Source, Tech
원문보기 These tools fall into two broad camps – business intelligence suites where reporting is a major component, and tools that are specifically aimed at reporting. Also many of them are free. ReportServer (free reporting tool) – This provides an extremely flexible open source reporting and dashboard environment. It...
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
Blog, Tech
원문보기 무료로 사용하는 기업용 이메일 총정리! 어플리케이션을 개발해서 프로그램을 판매하는 회사를 창업하던 프랜차이즈 형태의 상점을 오픈해서 창업을 하던 , 그 어떤 것이 되었던 지금은 IT쪽 인프라를 구축 하지 않으면 안됩니다. 관련 포스트 했던 “창업에 필요한 IT 시스템 Top 10“에서 꼭 필요한 it 시스템은 반드시 사용해야 합니다. 그와 관련된...
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May 8, 2015 techsupport
Blog, Tech