Today’s post is about password validation in PHP using Regular Expressions.
Here is the small use full Password Validation function.
function is_valid_password($password) { return preg_match_all(‘$S*(?=S{8,})(?=S*[a-z])(?=S*[A-Z])(?=S*[d])(?=S*[W])S*$’, $password) ? TRUE : FALSE;} |
Password Regular Expression Pattern
Regular Expression Pattern Description
$ = beginning of string S* = any set of characters(non-whitespace character) * = Zero or more s (?=S{8,}) = of at least length 8 (?=S*[a-z]) = containing at least one lowercase letter [a-z] = It matches any character from lowercase a through lowercase z. (?=S*[A-Z]) = and at least one uppercase letter [A-Z] = It matches any character from uppercase A through uppercase Z. (?=S*[d]) = and at least one number d = a digit (0-9) (?=S*[W]) = and at least a special character (non-word characters) $ = end of the string |
The whole combination means, at list 8 characters string with at least one digit, one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one special symbol. This regular expression pattern is very useful to implement a strong and complex password.
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