How to Share Files and Folders in Windows Server 2016?

Sharing folders makes them accessible to network users and probably you need to do. After you’ve configured disks on the server, you must share files/disks to enable network users to access files and disks. When sharing files and folders also you can enable administrators and clients to access the files, folders offline even when the server is off.

Sharing files and managing permissions with advanced settings are one of important strategy an administrator must know. Here in this article, we will discuss fully on share files and folders in Windows server 2016, no matter it’s possible to do it in Windows server 2012 and 2008 R2. So let’s get started.

Share Files and Folders in Windows Server

Before start sharing files make sure that the advanced sharing settings is configured correctly from control panel with firewall settings then select the folder you want to share. Here we will share files with File and Storage Services, it’s already available in windows server by default.

1. Go to Server manager click File and Storage Services then click shares>tasks>New share to create a folder share on server.

